Moles ! AAARGH !!

Moles ! AAARGH !!

Why are they completely tearing up my yard now???

Here’s the deal - the absolute favorite food source for Moles are grubs.  It’s like Wontons at the Chinese buffet for me!  You can keep the Fried Rice – throw aside the Gen. Tso’s Chicken – and don’t get in the way of my Wontons!  But if the kitchen is backed up and they’re out of Wontons, the chicken and fried rice are in my sights.  It’s the same with moles.  The grubs are over wintering deep in the soil during cold temperature season and the moles will only dig so deep.  So they’re now going for whatever they can grub on. (Get it?  Grub on?) 

So what to do?  Mid-March (here in zone 8) is when the grubs will start coming closer to the surface, so they are easier to manage (and for moles to get to).  The young grubs have just hatched out and coming up too - and they’re easier to kill when they’re young. (I know – not a pretty thought – but they’re bugs!  Deal with it!)  The best way to kill grubs is with a product called – what else – Grubs Away!  How does it work?  Now that you’ve asked:

Here’s your science lesson of the day!

Grubs feed on the roots of your grass and can also cause problems with the health of your lawn if they’re present in high populations.  Imidacloprid is the active ingredient in Grubs Away, which is a systemic insecticide.  That means it enters through the roots of your grass and travels throughout the plant.  When the grubs eat your grass, they’re also eating the Imidacloprid, and they die!

But it’s not Mid-March and I’ve got to do something now!!

We offer repellants and smoke bombs that you can put in the runs to kill out the moles.  I know – smoke bombs sound extreme and intimidating - but they really do work!  It takes a little bit of effort and common sense to use them effectively.  Start by mashing down all the mole tunnels you can find the day before use, and then use the smoke bombs in the fresh tunnels you find the next day.  Mole-hill Mash Day can be a fun event for the entire family! So fire up your Big Green Egg, and invite the grandkids over for the party on Mole Hill Mash Day. I recommend that you pop the smoke the day after you send the kids home.  


Moles – BAD !!

Grubs – BAD !!

Grubs Away – GOOD !!
